Welcome to Working Holidays for Aussies – Start Here!

Welcome to Working Holidays for Aussies – Start Here!

Welcome to Working Holidays for Aussies, a website dedicated to helping Australians travel and live overseas!

If you’re a young Australian, there are many so opportunities for you to experience life in another country thanks to working holiday and university exchange programs. In fact, Australia has reciprocal Working Holiday Visa arrangements which allow you to live, work and study for an extended period in over 40 countries!

At Working Holidays for Aussies, we aim to give young Australians to the inspiration and practical resources they need to travel and live abroad.

Who is this website for?

This free website is packed full of useful information & tips for:

  • Young Australians applying for a Working Holiday Visa
  • University students travelling overseas for an exchange semester
  • Aussie expats living abroad
  • Digital nomads & remote workers seeking “location independence”
  • Anyone who loves travelling and has a sense of adventure!

Our founder Matt Graham has enjoyed working holidays in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, so he knows what to expect. As well as the things that could go wrong, he knows just how enriching and worthwhile it is to experience living in another country – and wants to help you to do the same!

To help you get started on your journey, here are some links to useful resources on Working Holidays for Aussies:

We also have guides & resources on the following topics…

Get a free eBook and sign up for our newsletter

If you’re new to the world of working holiday visas, you may be interested in our free 52-page eBook, “The Ultimate Working Holiday Guide for Aussies”. To get your copy, simply enter your email address below.

You can also choose to opt-in to the Working Holidays for Aussies newsletter below for very occasional working holiday news & updates. (We’ll never spam you and will only email you once every few months!)

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Claim your FREE copy of The Ultimate Working Holiday Guide For Aussies!

If you would just like to sign up for our free newsletter, click here.

You can also follow us on Instagram.

You can find out more about Working Holidays for Aussies at our About Us page, and feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions or suggestions.

We hope you find this resource useful! If you like what we do, we also welcome donations via the Buy Me A Coffee website.

Matt Graham

Matt is the founder of Working Holidays for Aussies. Passionate about travel and always looking for great deals, he believes that gap years & working holidays are the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in another culture and gain invaluable life experience. Originally from Australia, Matt has travelled to over 80 countries and has lived in New Zealand, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands.